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Traditional methods for measuring allergen skin prick or intradermal testing is tedious, error prone and does not integrate well with electronic medical records. There is poor standardization across hospitals and clinics around the world. As seen in images A-C the wheal and flare response can be difficult to measure with the naked eye. This may lead to errors. In the case of brittle asthmatics, drug allergy or food allergy related anaphylaxis, errors in interpretation of the results may have disastrous consequences.
Image B and C shows skin prick testing on two African American patients. In individuals with darker skin tones, traditional measurement are often very difficult to determine. In some cases the erythematous region can be nearly undetectable to the human eye.
FLARE Diagnostics created and developed the worlds first imaging device to help resolve wheal reactions associated with allergen skin prick and intradermal testing. The image displayed here shows skin prick testing using positive control histamine solution (Pos) and saline negative control (Neg). The image was taken fifteen minutes after skin prick placement in an African American patient. The well delineated wheal responses are the key component to allow image processing software to easily calculate maximum diameter and total area.
Once the FLARE Diagnostics imaging device captures a wheal reaction, computer software can be used to perform a series of transformations in order to calculate the precise diameter and surface area. Measurements for several dozen skin test reactions can be rendered within seconds. This data can then be seamlessly imported into an electronic medical record database and telemedicine portals worldwide. Traditional methods may take up to 10 minutes to obtain wheal measurements. Additional effort is often then required to input data into the electronic patient record leading to potential errors. FLARE diagnostics imaging device can help solve these issues resulting in increased safety and efficiency.
FLARE diagnostics detectors have also been used to measure erythema associated with allergen skin testing. In the image displayed here, skin prick testing was placed using both positive histamine (Pos) and negative control saline (Neg). Images of the erythematous region is clearly visible as a flare pattern surround the positive control area but not the negative control area. There is a minor signal detected in the region of a blood vessel in the wrist.
Data obtained from FLARE Diagnostics detectors may be combined to overlay the wheal and erythema. This composite image could allow clinicians to more easily visualize skin test responses. Composite images may also be printed or imported into the patient's electronic medical record (EMR).
Demonstration of the FLARE AllergyScope™ shown here has been successfully tested in practice and is in current use in a number of clinical trials. Skin test measurements obtained by FLARE AllergyScope™ are accurate compared to standard methods. In some cases, traditional skin test measurements are often difficult to obtain while the AllergyScope™ by FLARE Diagnostics yields clear results. AllergyScope™, the worlds first skin test reading camera is a useful tool for allergists, otolaryngologists and clinical researchers around the globe.